Our bar

We wanted our Unfair Share to be enjoyed (inequitably) by as many people as possible. That’s why each bar is vegan, non-GMO, allergen free, and produced in a facility that’s kosher, peanut free, and gluten free.

Each Unfair Share Chocolate Bar fractures into some of our country’s most gerrymandered congressional districts found in Texas, Georgia, Ohio, Alabama, Louisiana, and North Carolina. But don’t just take our word for it, see below to learn a bit more about each district and why the people should pick their representatives—not the other way around.

Texas’s 25th District is a result of carving up Austin—the state’s fourth largest city—in order to spread out residents’ influence through cracking.

Alabama’s 2nd District showcases the effectiveness of racial gerrymandering, intentionally diluting the votes of the predominantly Black population of Montgomery.

Georgia’s 11th District was drawn to split up Cobb County across different districts and minimize electoral influence.

Louisiana’s 6th District resembles a lobster claw because likeminded voters were packed into the cutout to minimize their democratic impact.

Ohio’s 4th District looks like a duck and stretches from Cleveland to Columbus to Dayton in order for its representative to maintain control.

North Carolina’s 6th District is indicative of the power of our voices! This map has has since been redrawn to be more equitable and promote fair representation.